This is my digital space for the freelance news writing that I do. As part of a master’s program, I spent a year learning digital journalism and how to craft multimedia elements to make more compelling content. Due to a tragic a website backup SNAFU, I lost my entire site.
After I finished vomiting and picking my tear-soaked self of the floor of self-pity, I am recreating the site. The original articles are gone, but the multimedia elements that were hosted elsewhere were able to be recovered.
Professionally, I have a variety of interests and am not sure which way they will play out in the digital space. I work as a content overlord for a few clients in the inbound marketing world, I have a personal blog, and I am starting to study a couple of energy medicine modalities that interest me. Those are all separate sites, but this one will serve as my professional writing portfolio site and general freelancing domain.
I hope you enjoy and welcome your feedback or story suggestions!
Many thanks,